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1:1 Sleep Support

I have a range of services suitable for families with children from 0 to 10 years old.

Newborn and Child Sleep Services

is your child...

  •  struggling to stay asleep?

  • having multiple wakes in the night and you're not sure what they want or need?

  • avoiding naps or has day sleep become a challenge that you just can't solve?

  • avoiding bedtime at all costs? Has it become a battle that you dread?

  • only able to settle to sleep with one parent?

  • only able to settle by being rocked to sleep and you're finding this difficult?

  • waking up early in the morning?

and are you...

feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, anxious and frustrated? My gentle 1:1 support services will completely change this for you.


My parent present approach will give you all the knowledge and tools you need to feel empowered, confident and in control of your child's sleep. And wouldn't it be amazing to feel like you again?

You can book a service directly below or you can book a Free Call to discuss your options first.

1:1 services

how it works


I will analyse your sleep assessment and sleep log before our consultation to understand the root of the sleep challenge.


I will help you understand your child's sleep needs and create a bespoke and flexible routine that works for them, and you.


Together, we will create a strategy to meet your goals. I don't use any separation based methods and will never tell you to leave your child to cry on their own.


Your bespoke sleep plan will be written up after our consultation and emailed over to you. My plans are very detailed so it can take a couple of days to complete.


If you have chosen a package that includes support, that will begin from when you receive your sleep plan. I recommend using this support as much as you can to see the best results.

find out more

Need some help but not quite sure where to start... book a free 1:1 call to discuss my services and packages. 

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