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1:1 Sleep Support

I have a range of services suitable for families with children from 0 to 10 years old searching

sleep coaching.

Newborn and Child Sleep Services

is your child...

  •  struggling to stay asleep?

  • having multiple wakes in the night and you're not sure what they want or need?

  • avoiding naps or has day sleep become a challenge that you just can't solve?

  • avoiding bedtime at all costs? Has it become a battle that you dread?

  • only able to settle to sleep with one parent?

  • only able to settle by being rocked to sleep and you're finding this difficult?

  • waking up early in the morning?

and are you...

feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, anxious and frustrated? My gentle 1:1 support services will completely change this for you.


My parent present approach will give you all the knowledge and tools you need to feel empowered, confident and in control of your child's sleep. And wouldn't it be amazing to feel like you again?

How does it work?

I adapt how I work with each family because every family I work with is unique. I will always respect your parenting choices and if there is a method that doesn't suit you, we will change it. I want you to feel 100% comfortable throughout our time together. 


Once you sign up, here are some of the benefits that you'll receive.



I kick our journey off with a deep dive assessment. This helps me create a full and clear picture of your sleep challenges and highlights any concerns that may not have been reviewed.

This is also where I find out what is important for you to keep, your priorities and parenting choices.



With all of that information I then let my brain go to work. I create a Sleep Plan (which is totally flexible and adaptable). It includes my recommendations that are tailored to your family and routine. And it is packed full of tips and tools for you to use. My plans are famously thorough!



The next step is the consultation. I go through my recommendations, explaining the whys and answering questions. I also ask questions, give options and we shape the details into a truly personal plan that your family is comfortable with.



Now the fun part. We work together, day by day, to reach your sleep goals. Support from me is unlimited. I am happy to use whichever form of contact that suits you most. I am your sounding board, your listening ear and your greatest cheerleader. 

1:1 Services

You can book a service directly using the link above or you can book a free Intro Call to discuss your options first.

autism, asd and multiple needs

A free gift from
me to you...

Need some help but not quite sure where to start... here is a

little gift from me to you that you can download, straight

to your inbox.


Choose from '5 Secrets of a Sleep Coach' - an ebook with

my secret ingredients for a better night's sleep.


Or 'That Gentle Sleep Guide' - an ebook to give you confidence that you can continue to be a gentle parent and work on strategies to improve sleep in your family.

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Nadia is an experienced Sleep Consultant helping parents & their children to overcome sleep challenges. From split nights and bedtime battles to more intricate sleep difficulties, you can trust in Nadia's kind, non-judgmental, truly responsive approach.

Copyright ©2024 by Sunrise Sleep Coach - all rights reserved

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