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How to manage the Autumn Clock Change

Mid October already means that the Autumn clock change is around the corner. Do you feel confident managing this with your little one? I've got some helpful tips here.

In the UK the clocks will go back on the 29th of October - making 6am, 5am 😬 Before having children this wasn't my favourite clock change but I got on with it like everyone else, however, now the thought of my daughters waking up an hour earlier is not an enjoyable thought for me 🤪 If you're feeling similar, there are a number of things you can do. 1. Option for younger children or those more sensitive to changes: Starting on Wednesday 25th Oct put your child to bed 15 minutes later each night until Saturday. E.g if their bedtime is usually 6.30pm this shift would look like this: Wednesday 6.45pm Thursday 7pm Friday 7.15pm Saturday 7.30pm This means they'll be going to bed an hour later but will be getting their full night of sleep after the clocks change. You'd then go back to their normal bedtime that evening. 2. Option for easy going and/or older children: on Saturday night have their bedtime an hour later than usual so they still get their full night's sleep. Be prepared that they may be a bit more tired the following day and go back to their usual bedtime on Sunday.

3. Option for children who are able to stay awake a little bit longer than usual but wouldn't manage the full hour: on Saturday night, put your child to bed 30 minutes later than their usual bed time. They may wake up slightly earlier but it (hopefully) won't be the full hour and isn't as much of a jump than going the full hour later to bed. This option can take a couple of days to fully adjust. An earlier nap or an extra nap may be needed and that's OK!

Mainly, try not to worry. Our children adjust just as we do, it may just take them a while longer.

Really hope this helps! Which option do you think you will try?


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